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Tabletop Exercises & Why You Really Need Them In Crisis Communications

The vast majority of organizations believe they have a solid crisis communication plan in place. However, having a plan without training your team on executing it is like having a map without knowing how to read it. This is where tabletop exercises come in.

This article will explain what tabletop exercises are and why these are essential to your overall crisis communications plan. Tabletop exercises are a valuable tool for any organization looking to improve their crisis communications and build resilience in the face of an unexpected crisis event.

What Are Tabletop Exercises?

Tabletop exercises are a form of training for organizations to test and evaluate their crisis preparedness. They are interactive sessions designed to simulate hypothetical crisis scenarios, allowing participants to practice executing their crisis response plan with a specific focus on communication. A tabletop crisis exercise provides an excellent opportunity for teams to identify bottlenecks, skill gaps, and weaknesses in their crisis plan. 

Additionally, crisis simulation exercises offer a safe space for employees to explore and practice various communication strategies and tactics in a simulated environment to improve real-world response.

What happens during crisis simulation tabletop exercises?

During tabletop exercises, participants are presented with a crisis scenario, and the team must work together to respond to the situation. The activity is typically facilitated by a trained professional who guides participants through the simulated crisis situation, creating an environment that feels like a real-world crisis. The process enables a team to identify critical areas that require improvement, such as communication channels, messaging, and decision-making processes.

Tabletop exercises enable participants to work together to identify and address potential communication challenges in a safe and controlled environment. Regular tabletop exercises are designed to encourage collaboration, improve crisis management skills, and promote critical thinking. The interactions between participants in a tabletop exercise simulate a real-world crisis; allowing a crisis communications team, or crisis management team, to test and refine their crisis strategies in a conducive environment.

The element of surprise

At various times during the tabletop exercise, surprise "injects" or "curveballs" are introduced. These injects are hypothetical scenarios that require immediate attention from the crisis management team. 

The injects can come in many forms, such as hypothetical phone calls from stakeholders like customers or local officials, questions from worried family members, or requests from reporters. The team members must quickly identify the best response and take necessary actions. 

An effective tabletop exercise consists of multiple injects, each with unique challenges. The injects test the team's ability to handle various (random) aspects of a crisis, including social media response, media coverage, and coordination with other responding entities. Addressing these injects during the exercise can highlight potential weaknesses in the crisis plan and identify gaps in the team's skills that need improvement, such as delayed response times, for instance.

Moreover, the injects make the facilitated tabletop exercise more challenging and realistic, creating a sense of urgency for the crisis team, and forcing them to act quickly and make informed decisions. Handling random curveballs prepares the participating teams to manage unexpected situations during a real crisis, creating a sense of preparedness and confidence.

After the exercise

At the culmination of a tabletop exercise,  participants come together to conduct a "hot wash" session. During this debriefing, the team engages in immediate after-action evaluations to assess the organization's performance in response to the simulated crisis scenario. 

This "hot wash" session is a pivotal component of the tabletop drill, as it allows team members to provide candid feedback on their contributions to the exercise and identify any challenges or obstacles they faced. Subsequently, the team can collectively brainstorm ways to improve their response techniques during crisis planning.

During this debriefing, team members will also evaluate the effectiveness of the tools and resources that were utilized during the exercise. This includes assessing the communication channels implemented, such as operational protocols, technologies, and guidelines. Any suggestions for improvement to these resources can then be shared and explored within the team.

This comprehensive "hotwash" evaluation not only prompts the team members to reflect on their performance during the tabletop exercise but also fortifies the crisis action plan by identifying potential shortcomings, risks, and gaps in the response plan. This insight allows the leadership team to enhance their crisis management strategies by implementing necessary improvements to protect their organization's reputation better and mitigate potential damages during an actual crisis.

Benefits of tabletop exercises

Tabletop Exercises provide several benefits, including:

1. Identifying and addressing gaps in communication plans.

2. Building strong working relationships between team members in a crisis.

3. Improving decision-making during high-pressure situations.

4. Testing the effectiveness of communication channels and protocols.

5. Refining crisis communication strategies to be more efficient, effective, and responsive.

Thus, the benefits of tabletop exercises extend far beyond the actual simulation exercise. The most valuable aspect may be the hot wash debriefing session, which enables the team to openly evaluate and analyze their crisis management tactics, tools, and resources. 

By conducting a thorough evaluation and reflection of their actions, the team can confidently navigate emergency situations with agility, efficiency, and improved outcomes.

Support for crisis communication plans

At C3 Collective, we understand that every business is unique and has different needs regarding crisis communications. That's why we offer customized solutions tailored to your company's requirements. We work closely with our clients to gain a deep understanding of their business, industry, and stakeholders, enabling us to develop a comprehensive crisis communications plan that is both effective and efficient.

Our team of experts has extensive experience in crisis communications, and we use the latest tools and technologies to help your business prepare for any eventuality. The tabletop exercises are designed to simulate real-world crisis scenarios, giving your team practical experience in navigating a crisis.

Our crisis communications plan framework includes various strategies, including public relations, social media management, stakeholder engagement, and internal communications. We ensure these strategies are integrated seamlessly, enabling your business to respond quickly and effectively to crises. 

Contact C3 Collective today to learn more about our services and see how we can help your crisis management plan stay ahead of the curve.